What type of family applies to New West?
New West is for families who seek a choice in public schools for their children. Founded by parents as a community-based effort at school reform, New West is for families seeking to remain actively involved in their children’s education beyond the elementary school years. New West even has a Home School Agreement that recommends such involvement, including 16 hours of volunteer service per family per year. New West families share the school’s high expectations and high accountability for academic performance and character development of children.
Does it make any difference where my child lives?
No. New West students come from all over Los Angeles. You may apply no matter where you live or which school your child attends.
How many spaces for new students are available at each grade level?
The exact amount of students we admit to each grade level is different every year and is contingent on how many students return and how many “preference” students apply. We hope that all interested families attend one of our Open House presentations and decide to apply.
What happens if there are more applicants than spaces available?
New West expects to have more students applying than there is space at the school. In such a case, a random drawing/lottery determines which applicants are admitted. This public lottery includes all prospective students who complete their applications by the application deadline. Attendance at the lottery is optional. Applicants not admitted at first through the lottery have their names placed on a waitlist in the order drawn during the lottery. New West notifies waitlisted applicants immediately as space becomes available.
What happens to late applications?
Complete applications received after the application deadline are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The names of late applicants are put at the bottom of the waitlist in the order applications are received.
Is there an application fee or tuition?
No. Application for admission and attendance is free at New West. New West is supported by educational tax dollars just like any other public school. New West supplements its state funding by raising money from public and private sources.
Does New West require applicant interviews or school visits as part of the admission process?
New West does not interview applicants. However, parents or legal guardians are encouraged to attend one of the Open House sessions as vital information about our school philosophy, course offerings, and student and family expectations are discussed. Students are encouraged to attend.
What are the application requirements?
You must complete and submit an application form and verify your application submission to receive your lottery number.
Does my child with special needs have to meet the same application requirements?
Students with disabilities go through the same application and admission process as any other applicant. Please feel free to contact New West about the school’s ability to meet the special needs of your child in a fully inclusive, appropriate environment.