The mission of New West Charter School is to provide an academically rigorous, highly individualized education for 21st Century students in grades 6 – 12. In the decades to come, personal success will require increasingly high levels of competency, independence, and self-reliance in an ever changing, ever more complex society, whether individuals choose to manage their own businesses, work within public or private organizations, or raise families whose children will face the same challenges. New West will produce competent, independent, self-reliant students by creating a learning environment that promotes academic excellence and strong character development as the antecedents for success in college preparatory high school programs.
New West Charter School is founded on the following precepts:
- A rigorous core curriculum that provides a strong foundation in reading and language arts, mathematics, science, and history and social science, supplemented with diverse enrichment opportunities in world languages, visual and performing arts, physical education and health, and information technology;
- A robust program of community service and extracurricular activities designed to have maximum synergy with the academic program;
- Clearly defined and closely monitored performance standards that assure progress toward the school’s educational goals in full compliance with all applicable state standards;
- A cooperative community of parents and educators that shares responsibility for the school’s governance, operation, and educational program in the best interests of the school’s students;
- A goal of a small student body, taught in classes as small as resources permit (we aim for 30 students or less per class); and
- A personal learning environment that both encourages and challenges each student according to his or her ability through differentiated instruction within an integrated curriculum.
New West Charter School will serve students of diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds from throughout greater Los Angeles whose families share the common goal of creating a strong, unified educational milieu for their children. New West’s educational culture will foster academic achievement through high expectations, genuine accountability, and individualized attention both at home and in school. This home/school collaboration will enable students to become competent, creative, self-motivated, lifelong learners who have a clear sense of their individual worth and their responsibilities to society.
Graduates from New West will have the following qualities:
- Students will be self-motivated, taking a proactive approach to their own academic pursuits, as well as their social behavior and personal goals. They will be able to act ethically and take personal responsibility for their actions.
- Students will be technologically competent in exchanging and accessing information, identifying what constitutes accurate information as they search the Internet, and communicating fluently through a variety of technologies to suit the ever-changing demands of a dynamic globally interconnected, multicultural, and multiethnic world.
- Students will be life-long learners dedicated to exploring the richness of shared knowledge and inspired by the diversity of learning opportunities available in the environment around them. They will be well equipped to live and continue to learn in an increasingly complex and information-rich modern world.
- Students will be critical thinkers, able to analyze and understand complex systems requiring problem-solving skills while questioning and inquiring using an “outside-the-box,” holistic, and creative approach.
- Students will be global contributors, conscious of the far-reaching impact they can have by actively participating in meaningful service to their communities in a collaborative manner and using their individual voice as part of the collective to address the issues and needs they observe.