DEI Home Commitments
New Goals/Initiatives
Professional Development
DEI News
January 2020
- Anti Racism Plan To Action Part 2
Review and discuss the data results of our DEI quantitative and qualitative landscape analysis. Along with our DEI consultant Dr. Aisha Lowe, New West expands current efforts around representation discipline, course placement, and other areas of student and community life. Our goal is to ensure that our actions create lasting change.
August 2020
- Restorative Practices
Teachers were taken through scenarios that involved how teachers can effectively resolve student conflicts through restorative practices.
January 2021
- Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)
The CRT professional development focused on strategies to validate and affirm students' home culture and home language. This will be for the purposes of building and bridging success within their academics.
March 2021
- Incorporating DEI Into The Classroom
Focused on instructional strategies to ensure that all students have access to the curriculum and it is 100% inclusive.
May 2021
- DEI Curriculum Resources
Teachers received training on how to use the DEI Resource List as supplemental material for classroom instruction.
August 2021
- How do we better serve and support our students?
All teaching staff listened to students share their concerns as they transition from online to in-person learning. Instructional practices were implemented to better support students. - “Mindfulness” presented by: The Teaching Well organization
Teachers learned somatic practices and adult SEL strategies and practiced managing stress and emotions that impact how they show up for students every day.
October 2021
- Equity Practices in the Classroom
The professional development workshop focused on strategies that emphasize equity through instruction, materials, and the classroom environment. We understand that actively promoting equity in the classroom helps remove barriers so all of our students can succeed. And when every student has the resources they need, the entire classroom thrives!
January 2022
- Remove Labels and Redefine Student Success
Training focus on understanding the ways in which we carry implicit bias. Strategies are identified to remove labels and focus on students' strengths at an individual, classroom, and schoolwide level.